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Our Responsible AI Policy as a B2B Technical Content Marketing Agency


While we are constantly experimenting with AI technologies to drive efficiency and performance across all business functions, our primary use cases today are in the generative AI space for marketing. Here’s how we think about AI as a B2B technical content marketing agency:

  1. We believe in a human-centered approach to AI that empowers and augments professionals. AI technologies should be assistive, not autonomous. 

  2. We believe that humans remain accountable for all decisions and actions, even when assisted by AI. The human must remain in the loop in any AI-assisted applications. 

  3. We believe in the critical role of human understanding and experience, and place specific value on the expert knowledge of subject matter experts. It’s the individual knowledge and expertise held internally that differentiates a company.

  4. We believe in understanding the limitations and dangers of AI, and considering those factors in all of our decisions and actions. 

  5. We believe in an open approach to sharing our AI research, knowledge, ideas, experiences, and processes in order to advance the industry and society.

  6. We believe in partnering with organizations and people who share our principles. 


How We Use AI Today


Specifically, we’re using various AI tools for content ideation and style consistency as well as summaries, transcripts, or repurposes of our proprietary content. 


Tool Transparency


We currently use SaaS products with AI components for: 


Speech-to-Text Transcription 

  • Use case examples: review recorded meetings, caption videos, podcast transcriptions

  • Tools: Happy Scribe

Content Summarization

  • Use case examples: taking our original work and producing derivative content for abstracts

  • Tools: ChatGPT, Writer, ChatPDF

Outline Generation

  • Use case examples: outline ideation for blog posts or white papers

  • Tools: ChatGPT, Writer


  • Use case examples: content topic brainstorms, related topics, headline ideas

  • Tools: ChatGPT, Writer


  • Use case examples: SME interview session preparation, keyword research

  • Tools: ChatGPT, Writer


  • Use case examples: Keyword research

  • Tools: Moz

Image generation

  • Use case examples: image templates, new images with specific parameters

  • Tools: Canva

Design Consistency 

  • Use case example: adhering to visual style guides

  • Tools: Canva


  • Use case examples: grammar, spell check

  • Tools: Grammarly, Writer


  • Use case examples: custom marketing ROI reports, lead tracking/scoring

  • Tools: HubSpot


About This Document


A version of this manifesto was originally published by Marketing AI Institute. It serves as an open template for other organizations and leaders who want to pilot and scale AI in an ethical way. We invite you to use these principles under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license as a starting point for your own responsible AI policies and practices. This Creative Commons license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the source and license their new creations under the identical terms.