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Marketing Strategy
- Annual Marketing Planning
- Product Launches
- Marketing Audits

Brand Marketing
- Brand Positioning and Messaging
- Targeted Messaging
- Rebrand and Acquisition Marketing



Content Marketing
- Content Planning
- Content Development
- Content Programs

Marketing Automation
- HubSpot Onboarding + Training
- Integrate HubSpot With Your CRM
- HubSpot Audits + Optimization


Stand Out as a Systems Integrator


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Unleash Your Competitive Edge


Systems integrators face a unique challenge: standing out in a crowded marketplace. While your expertise in connecting complex systems is undeniable, effectively communicating that value to potential customers can be uncharted territory.

You juggle project deadlines, manage intricate integrations, and ensure seamless client experiences – all while needing to showcase your competitive edge.

Bridge that gap by partnering with a team that understands your acronyms. We specialize in crafting targeted marketing strategies designed to validate your differentiators and attract high-value, right-fit clients that are aligned with your brand.



Fuel your pipeline with a strategy that delivers right-fit opportunities


Our two-week intensive program will give you a clear roadmap for success, a defined brand message that resonates with your target audience, and actionable tactics that can be implemented immediately. Most importantly, you'll be establishing a foundation for margin improvement and opportunity growth.

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Brand Clarity Workshop

We'll work with you to define your brand message, target audience, and unique value proposition.

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Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

We'll build a customized marketing plan based on your goals, budget, and target audience. This will include specific marketing channels and tactics for immediate implementation.

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Content Activity Plan

We'll get you started with a content calendar outlining engaging content ideas to attract and nurture leads aligned with your brand.

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Strengthening Brand Authenticity through Content Development and Marketing Automation


Gray Solutions, a subsidiary of Gray, Inc., is revolutionizing industries like food and beverage through cutting-edge solutions in robotics, automation, and digital transformation. They thrive on pushing boundaries and embracing challenges that others run from.

Fueled by growth, Gray Solutions built upon the equity of the Gray brand to stand out as a leading system integrator, bringing their unique internal culture and way of working forward to their external brand. From a bold new look and feel to a new modern website, Gray Solutions was committed to starting fresh with their marketing efforts.


Learn more about Gray Solutions >

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In March 2019, our long-standing client Wineman Technology, Inc., (WTI) requested help preparing for acquisition. We helped craft a prospectus specifically showcasing the strength of marketing in their niche, with full adoption of inbound marketing best practices and comprehensive buyer's journey content on their website. WTI was successfully acquired in January 2020 and recommended TREW to their new acquirer, CertTech, to direct brand integration and develop their go-to-market launch plan.

The new company, Genuen, launched in April 2021, along with a new website and inbound content.


Learn more about Genuen >


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Vertech’s team of control engineers specialize in designing and implementing complex control systems that automate industrial equipment and processes. While these “control freaks” are experts at helping manufacturers step into the digital world with automation, they looked to TREW for help in implementing marketing automation tactics. In their first year working with our team, web traffic increased 33% and inbound leads by more than 200%. 


Learn more about Vertech >


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Hallam-ICS, a systems integrator and engineering firm with multiple offices on the east coast, knows the success of their business resides equally in their technical expertise and their strong relationships. So when Hallam wanted to get out in front of customers and prospects with their culture message, the company called on TREW for a brand positioning and messaging project utilizing customer interviews.


Learn more about Hallam-ICS >

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Don Roberts

"For systems integrators seeking a strategic marketing partner, who understands technical audiences and how to tailor an approach to meet unique business goals, TREW is a top choice. TREW’s expertise strengthens brands, drives high-quality engagement, and propels aligned business growth"


Don Roberts | Principal | Exotek LLC


Featured Podcast Episode

A Masterclass in Rebranding with Authenticity


In this episode, Melissa Geertz, Director of Marketing, describes how Gray Solutions became a fast-growing systems integrator by executing a complete rebrand focused on authenticity and their unique company culture.


30+ Proven Tactics to Ignite Growth for System Integrators


In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to diagnose stagnation in your business and provide you with our 30+ ways to ignite growth.


Access the Guide

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